Given that I was so young when I started designing my castle, it took a number of years before I could begin building. I first had to firm up my plans enough to convince my dad to help me start building. I also had to gather the economic resources to be able to afford the wood and building supplies, and given that I started designing years before I had my first job, that in and of itself was a long process. Because of these factors, I had a five-year pre-production period during which I was devoting my focus to my design plans, giving them plenty of time to evolve.
I mentioned briefly in my first entry some of the ways in which my castle has changed, with the further addition of more and more rooms. However, expansion has not been the only change brought about by my design process. The plans that I made for the initial rooms and overall layout of the castle have also, necessarily changed. They have changed as I've done more background research on castles, both big and small, and their shapes and placements have also changed to fit the new additions. They've also changed as I've become exposed to new crafting techniques. Below are some examples of how the ballroom has changed through some of the various sketches I've drawn. I choose the ballroom because it was the first room I drew the night I started thinking about this project. It is also the room that I am currently constructing.
Although some of the changes have been small, they have all been important to the overall feel of the room, and none of them would have come about if the project hadn't been afforded such a generous gestation period. The long design period has also given me the time to really get to know the project. The most detailed blueprints that I have at this point are in my head. It's also helped me to put aside some of the fear of changing things around. Just because I have a solid way to resolve a design issue, doesn't mean it's the only way it has to be done if there still seems to be something missing. This project would be very different if not for the evolutionary nature to its creation, and it is a process that continues even as I have entered into the construction phase.
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